CVA / English Web Watch
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Contributions of Adamu M. Jebba and Ashley Sims
Impact assessment of cluster in-service training programme for electrical teachers in secondary schools in Niger state, Nigeria
This study determined the impact of the Cluster in-service training programme on the teaching skills of Electrical/Electronics teachers that participated in the training scheme in Niger State, Nigeria.
Tags: Nigeria; Target group: Teachers Electrical/Electronics; Field: Teaching profession; Training - programs evaluation; Paper; Source: Adamu M. Jebba;
Contribution of Adamu M. Jebba, Lecturer
Niger state college of education in Minna, Nigeria
Email: adamujebba@gmail.com |
Changing patterns of development through technical education
A TedX talk by Francis J. Brochon on the developing world. He takes the lessons he learned from his career in technology, business, and travels to help create positive change through technical education.
Tags: Education - technology; VET - development; Lower-income countries; Video; Best practice; Source: FTE - Foundation for Technical Education;
Contribution of Ashley Sims
Director of Operations at Foundation for Technical Education, Switzerland
www.ftefoundation.org |
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South Korea.
Self-Directed Learning in the Workplace: Implications for the Legislation of Trade Union Education in South Korea
The purpose of this study is to theorize self-directed learning (SDL) in the workplace from the perspectives of human resource development, adult education, and lifelong learning in order to suggest the implications for the legislation of trade union education (TUE) in South Korea. Since legislation at the national level can promote workers' participation in TUE in the context of SDL for industrial democracy through humanization of education, the South Korean government should provide trade unions with appropriate legislative, financial, and administrative support.
Tags: South Korea; Field: Trade union; Workplace - training; Self-taught education; Paper; Conference proceeding 2012; Source: AERC - Adult Education Research Conference; |
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Non-formal vocational education in Uganda: Practical empowerment through a workable alternative
This article reflects on the potential of non-formal vocational education in Uganda to improve the quality of life of those excluded from formal education. Practical empowerment is described as a desirable outcome of education for development and includes acquiring marketable skills as well as capabilities to critically give direction to one's life. Although education leading to this outcome is desirable for all, non-formal vocational education can reach those currently excluded from formal education, thus enhancing their empowerment by equipping them with useful skills and knowledge.
Tags: VET - development; Informal learning; Uganda; Paper; Source: International Journal of Educational Development; |
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Continuing Professional Education Needs Assessments in Emergency Medical Services
Emergency Medical Service educators are faced with the daunting task of providing prehospital care providers with quality continuing professional education (CPE) while meeting the needs of various stakeholders.
Tags: United States of America; Target group: Trainers; Target group: Health personnel; Field: Emergency medical service (EMS); Continuing education; Paper; Conference proceeding 2012; Source: AERC - Adult Education Research Conference; |
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Where Are Your New Leaders Coming From?
There are experienced managers available on the outside, but there will be fewer and fewer such leaders over the next several years, there will be more competition for them, and they will be expensive to acquire. A better bet, is to develop your own future leaders, who are already trained in your culture and values, familiar with your markets and customers, and ready to step into new roles with the right training and preparation.
Tags: Training - strategy in the workplace; Article; Trend - analysis; Target group: Managers; Source: Training magazine; |
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Vocationalisation of education revisited
This discussion covers the challenges faced in updating and integrating curricula that meet the demands of today's changing society, and in particular the extent to which it is the role of teachers to promote and integrate vocational skills in the curriculum.
Tags: Curriculum - development; VET - development; Trend - analysis; Forum thread; Source: UNESCO-UNEVOC; * Needs a one-time free registration to access the Forum
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Transforming the Workplace: Critical Skills and Learning Methods for the Successful 21st Century Worker
There are two big questions to consider. First, what are the critical 21st century skills that the workforce of tomorrow needs to develop and master today? Secondly, how can we improve our learning methods to enable the self-directed learner to thrive in this new environment?
Tags: Workforce; Trend - analysis; Analysis; Article; Source: Big Think; |
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Review of the Standards for the Regulation of Vocational Education and Training
Reaction of the Australian Workforce and Productivity Agency to the Consultation Paper written by the National Skills Standards Council (NSSC).
Tags: VET - vocational education and training; VET - review; Australia; Source: AWPA - Australian Workforce and Productivity Agency; |
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Developing an Asia capable workforce: a national strategy
The research shows a strong correlation between business success in and with Asia, and a set of critical individual and organisational capabilities. The strategy to develop an Asia capable workforce in Australia describes the changes individual businesses need to make, as well as how they should work together to support the Asia agenda.
Tags: Workforce - development strategy; Asia; Australia; Document; Source: University of Melbourne via Twitter @VOCEDplus; |
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National Apprenticeship Survey (NAS) Research
Nine studies based on the 2007 National Apprenticeship Survey (NAS).
- Motivation to Enter Apprenticeship; - Perceptions of the Quality of Training; The Impact of Compulsory Certification on Apprenticeship in Canada; Interprovincial Mobility; Participation of Women, Immigrants and Aboriginal People in Apprenticeship Program; Profile of Participants; Factors Influencing Completion of Apprenticeship; Influence of Labour Market and Economic Conditions on Completion and Long-Term; Continuation of Apprenticeship Programs in Canada; Labour Market Outcomes of Canadian Apprentices.
Tags: Canada; Survey; Apprenticeship - programs; Source: Red Seal Program; |
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Canadian Standards & Guidelines for Career Development Practitioners
The Canadian Standards & Guidelines for Career Development Practitioners (S&Gs;) define the competencies career development practitioners need in order to practice effectively and ethically. They are used extensively in Canada in shaping professional training and development programs, certification and scope of practice.
Tags: Competence - standards; Target group: Competencies career development practitioners; Guidelines; NOS - National Occupational Standards development; Source: CCCDA - Canadian Council of Career Development Associations; |
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Employer Engagement and Needs in Career Development Activities
This project was intended to enhance understanding of employer engagement in career development practices.
Tags: Workforce - development services; Target group: Employers; Analysis; Canada; Source: FLMM - Forum of Labour Market Ministers; |
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Canada/Newfoundland and Labrador Labour Market: Outlook 2020
This document provides a forecast of the province's labour market demands for the next decade and outlines the opportunities that will exist in numerous business sectors.
Tags: Employment trend 2020; Newfoundland and Labrador; Canada; Trend - analysis; Labour market; Document; Source: Government of Newfoundland & Labrador/Department of Human Resources, Labour and Employment; |
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Technical and Vocational Education Modernization Project
Kazakhstan TVET Reform & Modernization aims to:
- Match the supply to demand by industry led skills development,
- Use market information to steer and guide skills delivery,
- Assure quality of all providers through an independent QA system,
- Strengthen accountability for result via governance & financing reforms,
- Implement CBT and tap the technology for expanding delivery.
Tags: Trends; VET - reform; Kazakhstan; Source: World Bank; |
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Case Study on "National Policies Linking TVET with Economic Expansion: Lessons from Singapore"
There should be a clear mission and vision in articulating the role of TVET within the national education and training system. A key challenge today is remaining true to its mission in staying focused on vocational and technical skills. The real tests of success are the employability of the graduates, career development, upgrading in the educational system, public acceptance and image. Ultimately, the effectiveness and responsiveness of a TVET system would be measured by its impact on the social and economic development of the nation.
Tags: Document; Case study; VET - development; Singapore; Source: UNESCO; |
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The Case for Community Colleges: Aligning Higher Education and Workforce Needs in Massachusetts
This report offers a comprehensive set of recommendations for strategically revamping the Massachusetts community college system to better align it with the needs of a 21st-century workforce.
Tags: Workforce - development; Education - higher; School-to-work transition; Training - institutions/Community colleges; Case study; United States of America/Massachusetts; Document; Source: The Boston Foundation; |
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European Union.
Transversal Analysis on the Evolution of Skills Needs in 19 Economic Sectors
The sector studies reveal the increasing polarization of the demand for skills and competencies. All economic sectors report a need for continuous up skilling of the labour force among others driven by internationalisation, specialisation, rising climate concerns, ICT and new technological possibilities. To deepen the challenges for Europe even further, most sectors also forecast a shrinking supply of labour available due to the ageing of the European labour force.
Tags: Skills - needs; European Union; Trend - analysis; Analysis - comparative; Document; Source: European Commission; |
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European Union.
Education and vocational training policy
In education and vocational training policy, decision-making is done by the ordinary legislative procedure. According to the principle of subsidiarity, education and training policies as such are decided by each European Union (EU) Member State. Therefore, the role of the EU is a supporting one. However, some challenges are common to all Member States – such as ageing g societies, skills deficits of the workforce and global competition – and thus needs joint responses and countries working together and learning from each other.
Tags: Education - policy; VET - policy; Legislation; European Union; VET - vocational education and training; VET - regulation; Source: European Parliament; |
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Does Higher Education lead to Employment?
Maintaining high education standards can directly affect a country's standing in the global economy. For example, in the USA, 4 out of 5 people who are unemployed only have primary or secondary levels of education. Students are staying in education longer to gain an advantage in the workplace, with emerging markets such as Brazil and India providing a surge of applications. Some countries, such as Norway, are spending taxpayer money on higher education, while advanced economies such as the UK, are cutting education spending as part of austerity measures.
Tags: Video; Education - higher; Employment - youth; Trend - analysis; Analysis - comparative; Source: Euromonitor International via Scoop.it! @Cindy Tschernitz; |
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Global Employment Trends 2013: Recovering from a second jobs dip
Five years after the outbreak of the global financial crisis, the study offers the latest global and regional information and projections on several indicators of the labour market, including employment, unemployment, working poverty and vulnerable employment. It also presents a number of policy considerations in light of the new challenges facing policy makers in the coming year.
Tags: Employment trend 2013; Document; Source: ILO - International Labour Organization; |
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Should the education system be tailored to better fit the job market in Canada?
The evidence is piling up that many post-secondary students are studying subjects for which they will never find jobs. At the same time there are jobs going begging ...but no graduates to fill them. Should the education system be tailored to better fit the job market in Canada?
Tags: Workforce - shortage; Workforce - development; Analysis - trends; Canada; mp3; Source: CBC Radio; |
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